Author: chris

Does My Business Need an Internet Marketing Platform?

The obvious answer to this question is, “Yes, your business definitely needs an internet marketing platform.” Today, more than ever, every business needs to be found everywhere consumers are looking. And they are increasingly looking online. In fact, all the traditional advertising mediums – the phone book, the Yellow Pages, even newspapers, radio and television – are rapidly being eclipsed by the internet and the countless computers, tablets and smart phones that now allow consumers to find and directly connect with businesses like yours.

So the real question that you need to address is, “What kind of internet marketing platform makes the most sense for your business at a price you can afford?” But first, some explanations and definitions – What do we mean by “internet marketing platform,” anyway?

Well, an internet marketing platform is any tactic, method, or approach that uses the internet in order to connect your business with its potential, as well as its actual clients or customers. First and foremost, your business’s website is a key internet marketing platform. How you choose to optimize its effectiveness, however, depends on your overall marketing strategy.

For example, you can attempt to boost it rankings over time with well-designed SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and valuable, high quality content, or you can employ PPC (Pay Per Click) to quickly get your URL in front of web searchers. You can also choose to gauge the results of this particular platform by measuring things like bounce and conversion rates – how many eyeballs looked at your site and how many searchers performed some action in your favor, after looking.

Social media marketing makes use of the social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Tumblr, Instragarm and Pinterest. These various internet platforms have exploded in popularity over the past several years, offering an array of new options that allow businesses to produce engaging content in a variety of media forms. You merely need to choose which platform(s) will help you to best reach your target audience. And the added benefit of these platforms is that they are basically free to exploit.

Email marketing is an internet marketing platform, as well. It allows you to promote new products or services to your database of current customers, keeping them informed of your company’s news, while soliciting feedback from them. Your emails can include e-newsletters, pictures and graphics, and even video content. Studies have shown that email marketing garners an excellent return on investment (ROI) – somewhere around $38 for every dollar spent.

For many businesses – perhaps yours – it will be necessary to employ an internet marketing company to help you develop and set realistic, well-thought-out, and affordable internet marketing goals and then help you determine the best mix of platforms that will help you achieve them. The internet is a competitive realm and unless you have the right type of internet marketing, you risk losing customers to more net-savvy companies.

The E-Commerce Revolution

The business world is changing. You may have heard about the online shopping revolution before, but written it off as a future trend. The truth is, however, that it has come, and it appears here to stay. In today’s market, the power of having an online presence cannot be overstated. Any business that desires to succeed must maintain a web site. In fact, almost 100 percent of customers now say they use online media to shop locally. An e-commerce site is a great way to use your business’ online presence to drive sales. . Online shopping now accounts for more sales than brick-and-mortar stores, and customers have come to expect the ease and comfort of online shopping. This means your business has a great opportunity for growth, but faces the danger of falling behind if it doesn’t quickly adapt to these changes.

E-commerce, particularly through mobile shopping, is a great way to convert hits to sales, since studies indicate over half of all mobile shoppers ultimately make a purchase. To take advantage of this trend, however, you need an e-commerce-ready website with a responsive design. Businesses without these sites will rapidly find themselves sacrificing revenue to competitors that offer customers these purchasing options.

When considering an e-commerce site, you have may options to consider. In many cases, e-commerce functionality can be added to your existing site. Building a complete, turnkey site is another option. Additionally, there are many different e-commerce platforms to consider. Each has its merits and its limitations. The platform that is best for your business depends on your product, inventory system, and other considerations. Because e-commerce websites come in many forms, across a variety of platforms, choosing the right platform for your business and building the site is daunting. Entering all the products and descriptions, and maintaining the site, is also time-consuming. That’s where The Click Experts can help your business. The Click Experts is your solution to affordable e-commerce site development.

Whether you need e-commerce capability added to your existing site or you need an entire turnkey site built, The Click Experts is here to help you and your business. We will develop a unique online store that will provide an exciting and fulfilling experience for your customers, and we can also help with the data entry and maintenance such a site requires. For the e-commerce site you and your business needs, delivered on time and on budget, look no farther than The Click Experts. Stop losing sales to more versatile competitors. The Click Experts is your key to expanding and leveraging your online presence into a lucrative stream of revenue. Contact The Click Experts today!

ABC’s Nightline looks inside Amazon, the biggest online retailer in the world:

The Secret of Well-Managed PPC Campaigns

For any business wanting a serious online presence, PPC is a must. Google is putting the squeeze on traditional SEO tactics in an effort to force firms to PPC, and here’s the alarming truth: it’s working. Businesses that do not already have a significant online presence will find it increasingly difficult to enter the market without paying to play. There is good news, however.

A well-managed PPC campaign can hardly fail to be an asset to a business.

That’s fine, you may say, but what does well-managed really mean, and how do I get there? The key to managing a PPC campaign correctly lies in knowing your numbers. When PPC campaigns are conducted according to the numbers, they will generally succeed in generating revenue, and at least have little chance actually costing the business more than they take in. To understand why, it is important to understand a little about what PPC is and how PPC campaigns work.

PPC campaigns are a form of advertising wherein the advertiser pays a company, usually a search engine, to advertise their business to people whose searches or other internet usage history indicates they may be a good customer for that business. The advertiser pays the company doing the advertising, not a general flat fee as is the case for most traditional media advertising, but instead for each person the company actually entices to visit the site. This is the “click” in “Pay Per Click”. PPC campaigns are usually based around one or more “keywords”, words the advertiser chooses that signal to the search engine that a user is a potential client of the business. When a user searches for one of these keywords, or a similar term, the search engine then displays the ad to the user. If the user clicks on the ad and is sent to the business’s website, the business then pays the advertiser for that “click”.  With lots of competition among many businesses for most keywords, search providers generally rely on a system of bids to determine which business’s ads get displayed, with preference going to those businesses that offer the highest bids. We have previously covered the importance of choosing keywords that accurately reflect your business. What we are going to discuss today is the importance of deciding your bid amount for a given keyword, and how to accurately arrive at a figure.

Remember how earlier I discussed the importance of knowing your numbers? Here’s where those numbers figure in (pardon the pun). A good webmaster keeps track of site usage statistics, including things like number of visits to the site. These visits can be correlated with sales figures to produce a stat called the “conversion rate”, which is the rate at which clicks turn into sales. This number can also be combined with sales averages to produce an average sale per conversion. This figure is extremely important to the PPC rubric.

An effective PPC bid is one that takes into account conversion rates and average sales per conversion in order to produce a cost-effective target bid for any PPC term. A cost-effective bid is one that produces a certain amount of revenue per click. This figure is easily arrived at by dividing the average sale amount per conversion by the conversion rate. This number can then be divided by the bid amount per click to arrive at the amount of sales each cent of advertising is buying. While different businesses may decide differently what level this figure needs to be at to be cost-effective, what does not vary ids the fact that in the constantly shifting environment of the internet, a well-managed campaign responds constantly to changing figures to alter keyword choices and bids in an effort to keep appropriate margins.

If this all seems pretty technical and detail-intensive, rest assured, it is. What business owner has the time to keep up with all these figures and calculations? That’s where The Click Experts comes in. We have PPC account managers who are skilled in these calculations and who take the time to get to know you and your business in order to most effectively manage your PPC campaigns in a cost-effective way. We also keep current with the ever-changing rules and terms of service the various PPC providers set in an effort to make sure the money your business spends on PPC advertising is truly spent how it was intended to be spent. (For more on PPC providers constantly changing terms of service, see our previous blog post on the subject.) The Click Experts has the expertise your business needs to correctly leverage the vast opportunity for additional revenue that PPC marketing can offer. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!

To learn more about PPC advertising with Google, watch this short informational video:

The SEM Revolution For Small Business

“Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.”

Every business owner has probably heard this. Most, especially those who really care about their businesses, have done their best to live this motto. It held true for many years, but unfortunately the times, they are a-changin’. The modern truth is, that those with the better mousetrap don’t have the world beating a path to their door. The ones with the world beating a path to their doors are the ones who have convinced the world they have built a better mousetrap, whether or not their mousetrap is in fact better or not. In these modern times, how you market your product is as important as the product you are offering. This is sad, but true, and those that fail to adapt are going to quickly find themselves falling behind the wayside. A better mousetrap matters, but if no one knows it won’t mean anything. There are many ways to market your business, but the most cost-effective for many small business owners is using the internet.

There are many ways to utilize the internet to market your small business, but the primary one being used is called SEM, or Search Engine Marketing. It is a sort of catch-all term for those efforts and processes that a business can use to improve its rankings and visibility within search engine results. SEM includes SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click Marketing). According to Wikipedia, in 2012, North American advertisers spent US$19.51 billion on search engine marketing. That is a vast ocean of money, and a small business’ marketing budget can seem to the proprietor of the business a drop in the ocean, While that may be true, even a small budget can have an enormous impact when effectively utilized.

That’s where we at The Click Experts come in. With our knowledge and experience, we have the ability to formulate a SEM strategy that will get you and your business the most bang for your buck. It is far too easy these days for an inexperienced business owner to use their limited marketing budgets in a haphazard and ineffective way. See our recent articles regarding the pitfalls of not managing your PPC account and the recent changes to Google’s algorithms that are changing the effectiveness of traditional SEO tactics. Don’t make a major mistake. Get your business’ marketing on track and start letting the world know about your mousetrap. Contact us today for free and see what we can do for you.

Watch this quick video explaining SEM more thoroughly:

The Google SEO Squeeze

Google is changing it’s search algorithms again, and this time, it’s webmasters who may be forced to pay the price. This is not the first time Google has changed it’s algorithm, but the new update, referred to internally as “Penguin 2.0”, is one of the most drastic and sweeping changes yet. While Google claims that the changes are intended to give users more diverse and accurate search results, some are claiming another purpose. It appears that the new algorithms may have the intentional or unintentional effect of putting traditional SEO efforts on the back burner, forcing many companies to consider a PPC campaign in order to get the hits that they need and are now going to be denied. Both the reasons for this and the motivations behind it are fairly straightforward.

Google’s algorithms that rank where a website will appear in its search rankings are complex and involved, but they can be easily summed up. Basically, a website ranks better based on a few key factors. These include the number of hits the website gets, the number of links other reputable and well ranking websites have to the site in question, and the amount of organic content the site has that relates to the search in question. Because larger, more established sites and businesses will naturally have more of these, what follows is a scenario where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In the past, there used to be a number of slick SEO tricks that a webmaster could employ to boost the rankings of a site. These tricks allowed the Google algorithm to be spoofed. These tricks have always been frowned upon by Google, but they could be applied with a lot of care and a little luck. However, with the new Penguin updates, Google has more aggressively gone after these tricks and is now much more able to identify and thus neutralize them. It is becoming harder and harder for small and mid-sized businesses in fields with many competitors, particularly large ones, to compete in the current paradigm of the Google algorithm architecture. No relief is in sight for these smaller sites, either, since Google has absolutely no motivation to change that and every motivation to keep restricting access to the top rankings.

The reason is simple: money. Sites do not pay Google to be listed in Google rankings, and running the search engine and generating those results cost Google an enormous amount of money. Google only makes money when sites pay to advertise, mostly through PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, wherein advertisers pay Google for each visitor, or click, Google sends to their site. Since this is Google’s chief way of making money, why on Earth would they want to make top rankings easier to achieve? If small businesses can’t get those free rankings, they are forced to engage in advertising in order to drive traffic to their site, and Google gets paid. This is the crux of Google’s business strategy, and in Penguin 2.0 and other websites, Google can continue this process while hiding behind the excuse of “improving user results.”

In this situation, spending money on traditional SEO is becoming less and less cost-effective. While “white hat” techniques like blogging to create organic and useful content and legitimate link building should not be neglected, business may be well served to consider diverting some of their SEO budgets into PPC campaigns instead. But remember, not all PPC is created equal, and businesses and individuals without good PPC experience can find themselves wasting money by paying for clicks they don’t really want or need. For this reason, hiring a firm like The Click Experts to manage a PPC campaign can be a wise choice. See this past blog post for the reasons why.
At The Click Experts, our goal is to make your business successful in the online arena in a cost-effective manner, and we are always keeping an eye on developments in the online world to make sure we are up-to-date and can perform our functions well. Contact us today for a free quote to see what we can do for your business.

This short video explains the Penguin 2.0 in more detail:

Enhancing Your Website With WordPress Plugins

WordPress is not only a terrific and easy-to-use blogging platform, it can also function as a powerful and flexible CMS system for individuals and businesses looking to add an online component to their business plan. One way WordPress derives its power and flexibility is in the ability of users to utilize a feature of WordPress called plugins. Plugins are small packages of code that can be downloaded and installed by a user into their WordPress site. Plugins can have a range of functions. Some plugins will track your site stats, some plugins allow for your site to be translated into a number of languages. Some plugins change the appearance of your site, and some even add e-commerce functionality to your site.
But what do you do if you can’t find the plugin that is exactly right for your site and what you are trying to accomplish? Do you settle for the one closest to what you want? In the past, if you weren’t a large company with resources and an IT department, or you wanted to do it yourself but didn’t know how to code, or didn’t have the time to design and write a plugin that is exactly what you want, settling for second best is exactly what you would have had to do.

Writing a plugin isn’t an easy task. It requires a deep knowledge of how the WordPress platform works and interacts with plugins, A plugin developer must also take care to ensure the plugin functions correctly with any themes a client may be using on the target website. A developer must also possess a knowledge of the programming languages involved. A working knowledge of your business and your business model doesn’t hurt, either. After all, making a plugin that functions and integrates well with your site but doesn’t actually do what you need it to doesn’t help anyone. That’s where The Click Experts comes in. We have the knowledge and expertise to design plugins for your WordPress site that meet your needs and wishes, and we have the ability to economically produce and implement this plugin on your site. Contact us today for a free quote and see what we can do for your business!

If you can not find the plugin that preforms the task you need, or the plugin preforms poorly, we will build you a customized plugin that performs to your company’s standards. Please watch this video about free WordPress plugins:

What the “Long Tail” means for your SEO or PPC Campaign

In SEO as well as in PPC, the main idea is to focus on certain “keywords”. I’ve discussed this before, but a brief refresher may be in order. Keywords are certain words or phrases that a potential customer or visitor to your website inputs into a search engine. Some keywords are more popular than others, and thus from a SEO perspective they are more difficult to achieve high rankings for since they are more targeted, and from a PPC perspective, again, they are targeted more, and thus become more expensive per click. This issue highlights two important strategies when engaging in either a SEO or PPC campaign. First, keyword selection is of paramount importance. Second, it’s advantageous to not ignore the so-called “long tail.” More on that later.

First, let’s discuss choosing the right keywords to focus on. Choosing the right primary keywords to focus a SEO or PPC campaign can make all the difference. When choosing keywords, you need to be specific, but not too specific. You also need to try to avoid very heavily targeted keywords, as that competition can derail a SEO campaign or cause a PPC campaign to quickly become prohibitively expensive. Instead, try to focus on keywords that a potential customer might use to find your business when searching, with enough specificity to avoid drawing in users who aren’t interested in your business but with a broad enough net to get all or most of those potential customers who are. This is especially important with a PPC campaign, as you, the business owner, are paying for every click, whether or not a customer is qualified. With a SEO campaign, you aren’t paying for the click, but going after heavily competed for keywords can waste valuable time and effort without producing much result.

Results for “pizza”: too general

What will this keyword selection strategy look like in action? For instance, a pizza joint in San Diego should avoid focusing on general keywords like “pizza” or “pizza delivery”. These keywords are heavily competed for and largely dominated by the large national chains that have resources with which a small business owner will find hard to compete. Instead, focusing on a keyword (key phrase) like “pizza delivery in San Diego” will be more cost effective and will separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were. This phrase is specific, and will draw in customers looking for exactly what the owner is offering, while not being so specific as to lose potential customers. However, there is a way where those more specific and less competed for terms can be useful.

The “Long Tail”

Let’s now move to discussing the so-called “long tail.” So far we have discussed where and how to focus a keyword campaign, but we haven’t discussed those keywords of less desirable status. In the hypothetical example above, these keywords might be things like “meatball subs delivered in San Diego” or “pizza delivery in downtown San Diego” or the like. They are generally keywords less focused on because they are either considered less likely to be used in a search or so specific as to be inappropriate to focus on, which is very true. However, when looking at all keywords from a statistical standpoint, when graphed with number of user searches on the x axis and level of specificity being on the x axis, keyword price (for PPC) or level of focus (for SEO) generally takes the form of a inverse square proportional curve, with the most desirable keywords being at the top and less desirable ones forming a trailing “tail”. However, simple math can tell us this tail accounts for around fully 70% of all possible keywords and searches. This means that while it isn’t really a good strategy to focus a campaign around these keywords, it does behoove a business owner to not ignore these words entirely, as that would potentially be ignoring many possible searches that could potentially yield many qualified customers. These tail keywords also have the advantage of being very specific, so they are more likely to convert into sales, as customers tend to know exactly what they are looking for. Additionally, these terms have the advantage, particularly from a PPC perspective, of being cheap, or in SEO terms, of being easier to achieve rankings for. SEOMOZ has some great data backing these assertions up here.

What have we learned? In short, keyword selection is everything. Choosing the right keywords to focus on can make or break a business, while not ignoring the “long tail” can be extremely cost-effective and profitable for a business. Confused by all of this? You aren’t alone. That’s where The Click Experts comes in. We are a company that specializes in focused and targeted SEO campaigns. We have the experience and expertise to put these principles to work for your business, large or small. We can help design a PPC or SEO campaign, or both, that will increase your business’ online presence in a way that will bring in more qualified customers and greater conversions, and we can do it in a cost-effective manner. Contact us today for a free quote to see what we can do for you!

Learn more here:

What does Facebook’s New Graph Search Mean for Google?

Google has long been the leader among search engines. Many have tried to claim the number one spot from them. They have all failed. In fact, none have even come close. But that isn’t stopping the latest challenger from trying. Facebook has made a limited release of its new Graph Search engine. Is Google worried? No, not yet anyway, says Google chief Larry Page in this interview with the Atlantic Wire. There may be some corporate hubris and arrogance in that answer, but deeper than that, there are several key reasons why the team at Google isn’t shaking in their collective boots yet. But to understand why, you must first understand how Graph Search works.

Graph Search is a so-called “social search” engine. Social search isn’t new. Most notably, Bing has experimented with it. Social search is a different way of searching the web than users get with Google. Social search combines search results from the web with information from a social networking site. In the case of Graph Search, this will obviously be data from your Facebook profile. This information is combined to, ostensibly at least, improve the relevance of a user’s search results. For instance, one might search for “ski resorts in Colorado” on Google, and get a list of resorts in the results. With Graph Search, this search will yield a list of ski resorts in Colorado that a user’s friends may have visited or commented on. The idea is that users may find results more relevant or useful to their searches.

While the search results yielded by Graph Search may be useful or provide relevant results for some users, many may find a dearth of results or may not be looking for those kinds of results. There are also the cases where what a user’s friends have done or said may not be helpful at all. Because Graph Search provides a different type of search experience with different results, it is unlikely to replace Google entirely, even if it does take a bite out of Google’s business. It remains to be seen how big a bite that may be, since Graph Search is not available to the general public yet, but there are so far two factors on Google’s side. For one, Graph Search has so far received lukewarm and mixed reviews. Two, Google certainly has some business to spare, capturing around 2 out of every three searches in the U.S.

For now, the best advice is not to count Google out in any way, but businesses should be prepared to take steps to increase their Facebook presence. Increasing likes and reach on Facebook is a good business strategy anyway. That’s where The Click Experts can help. From creating your Facebook page and managing it, to linking it to your site via a custom app, we know the ins and outs of Facebook. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.

Learn more about Graph Search:

The Google-Focused SEO Pitfall

So you’ve decided to expand your business’ presence online. You’re adding a website, maybe looking into some PPC advertising, and after doing some research, you realize you need some SEO, or search engine optimization. All well and good, but there are several pitfalls newbies and even experienced SEO pros can fall into. One I’m going to discuss today is focusing your SEO too hard on Google alone.

Sure, Google is the unrivaled king of search engines. It generally accounts for around 66.7%, or two thirds, of ALL searches. And of that other third, of course, it turns out a large number are for, ironically, “Google.” But what often gets overlooked in all these subjective number comparisons is the sheer objective number of total queries. The United States generates around 16 BILLION search engine queries every month, so while other engines such as Bing and Yahoo are only combining for a paltry third of them, to ignore them in your SEO campaign is to cast aside around 5 BILLION queries every month.

It isn’t hard to pick up this slack. If you already rank well on Google, making sure your site does so on Yahoo and Bing among others is frankly picking low-hanging fruit. Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others all rely on different algorithms to determine a site’s rankings. These algorithms look at a site and attempt to accurately rank it’s relevance according to certain factors. These factors can include things like keyword occurrence and density, the number and quality of other sites that link to the one being ranked, and even how and when bold and italic fonts are used. While each engine’s algorithm necessarily gives each factor different weight, they all do tend to look at the same factors generally. This means that while focusing on one or a few factors specifically can help your site climb the rankings with one engine (like Google), it may not always have the same results across the board. A well tailored SEO campaign will focus on all the components of a site that search engines use for determining rankings, not just cherry picking those stats or factors that Google values highest. Doing this not only helps a site rank higher on Bing, Yahoo, and others, it can also be that extra edge a site needs to climb those last few sites on Google and come out on top. In the end, all search engines attempt to rank sites based on their best overall user experience, and they are constantly changing their algorithms to better reflect that when ranking sites. A good SEO campaign focuses on legitimately enhancing a site’s content and structure to better provide a good experience to the user while doing so in a way that allows maximum rank among ALL factors used by ALL search engines to provide a comprehensive solution for the client and avoiding cheap black-hat tactics that can end up detected and cause a site to become blacklisted.

Hiring professionals like The Click Experts to do your SEO can provide benefits to the client well beyond the cost. Just think what your share of those 16 BILLION queries every month could be. A good SEO campaign run by professionals can draw in a large amount of new and qualified traffic to your site, allowing you to grow your online presence, something no business in our current day and age can really be without. As the old adage goes, “build a better mousetrap, and they’ll beat a path to your door.” We can be the way potential clients find out you have built that better mousetrap. Contact us today and let us show you what we can do for your business.

Why Should You Have Your Pay-Per-Click Account Managed?

Pay-Per-Click, or PPC, is a system of marketing where ads are inserted into a user’s online experience and an advertiser pays every time that ad is clicked. In some PPC scenarios, that amount is a flat rate set out in advance. However, the most common format, including that used by Google, is for the advertiser to bid on certain “keywords”, with ads shown on an auction basis. The highest bidder’s ad is shown first, followed by the next highest and so forth. Google’s PPC programs are called AdSense and AdWords. AdWords ads are displayed during a user’s search, while AdSense ads are displayed on an actual website. For the purposes of this article, we will be focusing primarily on AdWords accounts. Publishing an AdWords ad is easy. One must set up a Google account, then set up an AdWords account. One must then write an ad, following certain guidelines, and choose one or more “keywords” for the ad. “Keywords” are specific words or phrases that describe what kinds of searches an advertiser wishes to target. For instance, “pizza delivery in San Diego” is an example of a keyword phrase that a pizzeria in San Diego may wish to target. An advertiser then bids on their chosen keyword(s), enters a payment method and sets an advertising budget, and publishes their ad, and voila! Their ad is now “live”. This couldn’t be easier process.

However, easy and effective are not the same thing. “Just because someone can quickly and easily buy a basketball doesn’t mean they can play like Kobe Bryant,” Tim, a  PPC account manager with The Click Experts, recently pointed out to me. Having a professional company like The Click Experts manage your Adwords account is important for several reasons, he continued. For one, choosing keywords correctly is very important. If they are too vague, an advertiser risks diluting their advertising money targeting unqualified clients. On the other hand, If they are too specific, an advertisers risks not having them displayed to those users they may be wishing to target. In addition, choosing the keywords carefully can minimize advertising costs while maximizing exposure. Since Google works on a bidding process, keywords are very subject to the vagaries of an open market. Popular keywords are more expensive, with some top words fetching over $50 per click. Choosing a specific keyword, however, can allow an advertiser to carefully target the audience for their ads without having to pay a fortune, since bids can also be as low as $0.10. Knowing how to choose a keyword, and how to correctly arrive at an appropriate bid for that keyword, can mean the difference between paying out a significant portion of the budget for unwanted clicks or making sure as many clicks as possible are made by qualified customers looking for exactly what an advertiser is offering.

Another key reason for having a professional like Tim manage your account is because Google is constantly making small and subtle, or occasionally even large, changes to its policies regarding PPC accounts. One important area Tim highlighted for me was the use of synonyms. When Google first starting in the PPC business, ads were only displayed on searches exactly matching to an advertiser’s chosen keywords. However, in a bid to generate more revenue and (one hopes) help advertisers target more qualified customers, Google changed its policy and began matching ads to synonyms of the keywords. In fact, says Tim, Google often changes its policy regarding the use of synonyms, with the general trend toward more and more permissive use. This can lead to more dilution and waste of advertising dollars. By actively managing an account, professionals like the team at The Click Experts can ensure an advertiser’s budget is being judiciously spent on clicks by users who are actually being actively targeted. In fact, in many cases, depending on an advertiser’s budget and they keywords targeted, The Click Experts can save the advertiser more money in wasted clicks than the account management actually costs.

Clearly, a manged PPC account should be seriously considered by every business desiring to develop and maintain an online presence. PPC, especially when combined with professional website development, effective content management, and a correctly targeted and executed SEO campaign, can deliver a steady stream of qualified, reliable customers who can bolster the revenue stream of a business. Why not see for yourself? Contact us today for a free quote and see what The Click Experts can do for you!

Watch our video on PPC!